I can't believe it's been two months since my last blog post. It has been quite a busy time, and I haven't had a chance to write. I started back to work on 8/17/2020 as a nanny in the mornings and back to the children's center as a substitute toddler teacher in the afternoons. Full-time work! YAY! I also wasn't quite sure on a topic to write about, so I just went with the flow until I had a moment to breathe. I now have two topics to write about...one this week and I'll write about the other one next week.
So, for a long time I was intrigued by the Usui-Tibetan Reiki practice. I read up on it here and there over the years, but I never really took it seriously enough to actually delve into the practice for myself, and become a practitioner. But, again, as with this whole blog project I have undertaken due to not being at work because of the Pandemic, I decided to take advantage of the extra time on my hands and look into Reiki further. I had heard of the many health benefits Reiki can bring to oneself, and I thought it would be another wonderful tool to keep in my wheelhouse for my own physical, emotional and mental healing and well-being. I had really been struggling with stomach issues, so I thought, maybe Reiki would help ease my ongoing difficulties. Also, I figured, it couldn't hurt tackling my ongoing fears and anxieties of keeping my type-2 diabetes into remission. Why not, right?
For those of you who are not familiar with Reiki, I'll give you a little background on it. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It was discovered in the early 1900's by Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is administered by "laying on hands", which has been practiced for thousands of years. Reiki is a very simple, yet powerful technique that can be learned by anyone. The word Reiki is derived from two Japanese words..."Rei", which means "Spiritual Wisdom", and "Ki", which means "Life Energy". Therefore, Reiki can be defined as "spiritually-guided life energy". Reiki guides itself from the God-Consciousness wisdom. It does not require the direction of the practitioner. Reiki flows through the practitioner automatically. It has its own intelligence and knows where to go. The practitioner is not actually doing the healing, so he/she will never be in danger of taking on the karma of the client. It can never cause harm-it's always helpful. One of the nice things about giving Reiki to others, too, is that while the client receives the healing energy, so does the practitioner at the same time! And, of course, the practitioner can give him/herself self-treatment. Works just as well!
I was fortunate enough, after doing a little bit of searching, to find a Reiki Master in my area who would be able to get me started along my journey with the Reiki I Attunement. Her name is Lisa. Very kind and gentle soul, easy-going, and not too expensive! Only one class for the attunement and a follow-up meeting three weeks later to answer questions. Lisa was kind enough to allow me to pick an outdoor spot where I would like the attunement to take place. I chose a lovely gazebo overlooking the Squamscott River. Bald eagles, cormorants, and an abundance of striper are commonplace there. There is a lovely walking path that goes through the area where my husband and I like to walk at times. Perfect!
What is a Reiki Attunement? Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are. The ability is transferred to the student from the Reiki Master. During the attunement, The God-Consciousness makes adjustments in the student's chakras and energy pathways to accomodate the ability to channel Reiki and then links the student to the Reiki source. It's like an official meet-and-greet. "Reiki...meet Donna. Donna...meet Reiki". Once a student receives an attunement, he/she will have Reiki for the rest of their life. Reiki never wears off, it will never be taken away or lost. One attunement per level is really all one needs to be a practitioner, however, you can go on to a second level or Master level if you wish. The Second level, for example, uses symbols...with that level you can send Reiki remotely to anyone, anywhere in the world. Neat, huh? The Master level is where you can give attunements to others.
The attunement was a very powerful experience for me. It started a cleansing process that affected my physical body and my emotions. Toxins that were stored in my body began to release. I was headachy and tired after the attunement and during the three-week practice thereafter. I had also noticed some feelings of unworthiness, pent-up anger, anxiety bubble up, as well. But, these sensations gradually subsided as my body adjusted and cleared.
In order to receive my Reiki I Practitioner certificate, I was to Reiki myself for two-hours, and Reiki other people for two-hours. Each time a Reiki session was performed, I would record the results in a journal. I recorded which areas of the body I did Reiki, how long the session was, and what sensations, if any, came up. The people I gave Reiki to, my daughter, my husband and my neighbor, reported feeling heat, tingling, pins and needles, relaxation, muscle twitching. These sensations lasted long after the Reiki session took place. These sensations are commonplace, which gave me the confidence knowing it actually was happening! My neighbor actually gave me a beautiful Reiki stone after the session, which I carry with me daily for an extra oomph of healing energy.
Three weeks later, I was awarded my certificate...I was now an Usui-Tibetan Reiki I Practitioner! This filled me with great joy. Knowing I can help others achieve another level of healing, along with this blog, made me feel like I had found my life purpose. At this point, however, because of Covid, I'm not going to really push the issue onto people. There is still a general sense out there of "Don't get too close!", which I totally understand. I plan on using my Reiki on family members, myself, or others if they inquire and are open to it, volunteer-basis only. I would really just like to boost my confidence first, and see where it goes from there. I am just completely grateful I found Reiki and I can have it in my life forever!
As far as my own Reiki healing...after each session I always feel a general sense of calm, much like after a meditation session. My stomach issues definitely have taken a positive turn, as well. Not perfect, but, I believe, there is progress happening.
Well, that's it for this week! I hope you enjoyed this post! I'll be back next week, God willing, and, my hope is I'll continue with these blog posts more regularly.
Be a butterfly!🦋

Go Donna Go! SO inspirational and uplifting to hear your story! I am very grateful we crossed paths and I look forward to working together both on the podcast and on healing for us both.