Friday, June 19, 2020

My Eating Plan

So, I have had some people ask me what my specific daily meal plans were.  I've been really enjoying putting up my "What's For Dinner, Donna?" videos up on Instagram and YouTube that shows everyone what I'm having for dinner every night.  It's been a fun way of interacting with people while trying to be goofy and laugh a little at the same time with my family's "carb foibles".   There seems to be a need, however, for people to see my meal plan written out.  Maybe because they don't have Instagram or YouTube, or maybe its an easier way to follow the can be printed out, hung up on the refrigerator, whatever the case may be. I go...

Oh, and I should say before I begin that I am not a believer in counting calories or fat grams.  I ONLY count the carb content.  However, I usually reserve high-fat, low-carb foods, like cheeses, red meat and nuts, and condiments like mayonnaise and salad dressings, to special occasions, or going out to dinner.

BREAKFAST:  I usually have a piece of fruit and greek yogurt.  Usually my fruit of choice is a green apple, but recently I have decided to go with frozen berries.  Strawberries to be exact.  I've decided to cut down my carb content a little more in the morning, and I have read a lot of studies that say berries are the best fruit to eat for diabetics.
One medium green apple-25 g carb 
One cup frozen strawberries-13 g carb
Greek Yogurt-3 g carb.  My choice of yogurt is Dannon Two-Good.  Lowest carb greek yogurt I can find with 12 g of a protein power punch per container.

LUNCH:  My lunch is actually a low-to-no-carb snack.  I eat one hard-boiled egg, and a lean, white-meat protein.  Chicken, turkey, ham, etc.  Three days a week I have tuna to get my omega-3's in.  Each of these choices have little to no carbs.  For condiments I usually have yellow mustard, and red-wine vinegar.  These condiments have no carbs at all and health benefits, like turmeric, that helps ease inflammation.

DINNER:  I eat a lean, white-meat protein and vegetables.  I love riced cauliflower and broccoli, sauteed peppers and onions, zucchini noodles, grilled whole onions, salads.  For condiments, I use olive oil, butter spray, lots of spices, like cumin, chili powder, basil, onion and garlic powder.  Of course, red wine vinegar, and yellow mustard.  The highest carb content in my dinner falls to the vegetables.  One bag of riced cauliflower and broccoli-16 g carb.  I eat the WHOLE bag!  This is my miracle vegetable because not only is it low in carbs, it is packed full of vitamins and makes me feel really energetic, strong and healthy!  Give them a try!

SNACKS:  I do not eat snacks.  I stick to three meals a day, because if I did snack, it would trigger a bingeing cycle, so I avoid snacking at all costs.  Diabetic food counselors recommend having a snack at bedtime, but that did nothing for me, except make me hungrier and didn't lower my morning fasting blood sugars anyways.  But, to each their own.  If snacking helps keep you full in between meals, then great!  Just make good choices.  

Now, as I have said in the past, it is worth repeating...I AM NOT A DOCTOR!  I am only showing you what has worked for me.  What works for me may not work for you.  But, if it can guide you and give you inspiration to try new foods, take different approaches, spur you on to contact a doctor or nutritionist to see what plan works for you, then awesome!

I will, however, leave you with these undisputable facts...

1.  Remove processed sugar from your diet.  Your body does not need it to survive.  Sugar is addicting.  Just get rid of it.  There will be a withdrawal period, like any addicting substance.  But, once you get over that hump, you will feel much freer, lighter, healthier, better.  Your weight will reflect the change.

2.  Cut out one grain-based carb.  I have cut out ALL grains from my diet.  Start with one you know you can live without.  Then, once you feel comfortable with that, try another.  Maybe you only need to cut one carb out.  Maybe you can change to whole-grains.  Only you can decide which route to pursue.  But, again, your weight will reflect the change.

3.  Get out and walk, every single day, for at least 5 minutes.  Work your way up to 10 minutes, 15 minutes, etc.  You will begin to have more confidence, build strength, endurance, mental clarity.  Walking is the medicine of life, as Leslie Sansone says!  I fully subscribe to that belief!

I hope this helps you all, in some small way, to inspire you to reach your mental, physical, and fitness health goals!  

Have a great week!  Stay well!

Be a butterfly...🦋 


  1. You are an inspiration, congratulations on your journey. Me, I just started this diagnosed of type 2. And overwhelmed with all this information about what to eat and what not. I'm one of those people that needs to follow something. Do you recommend a book of what to do? How much of what to eat?

  2. Anonymous7/13/2022

    Thank you so much for sharing, you are truly an inspiration, Thank you, thank you again. I want to print your story, can you e-mail it to me.


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